M. L. Kudale

M. L. Kudale

Department of Surgery, Bombay Veterinary College, Bombay and Col. Amarnath (Retd.)

Sewania Stud farm, Bhopal M.P.

 Indian vet. J. 57. September, 1980: 762-765
Paper presented at the annual convention of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgeons held at Madras in December 1979

 Veterinarians working in stud farms commonly encounter problem of infertility in broodmares. The reasons for infertility in mares are (1) shortness of the breeding season, (2) genital infections and (3) aberrations of the oestrus cycle. Caslick (1937) indicated that these three irregularities of oestrus cycle were most important considering farm economics. Probably the cause of many irregularities of the oestrous cycle is the fact that breeding periods for racing breeds do not coincide with the normal or physiological breeding season of horses. (Oborne, 1966). Any corrective measure adopted in regulation of oestrus, especially in stud mares will be invaluable.

Aloes Compound, an Ayurvedic non-hormonal preparation is indicated in women to regulate monthly periods in amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea (Balsara, 1966 ; Javeri et al., 1972 and Mukherji et al., 1972). This drug has been tried as fertility pill by Gupta (1972), Rajasekharan et al. (1975) and Sivaraman et al. (1976). In animals, Aloes Compound is successfully used for fertility in rabbits (Sharma et al., 1972) and irregularities of oestrus cycle in cattle and buffaloes (Dange, 1977 ; Rathor and Pattabiraman, 1977 and Deshpande, 1979)

The present paper deals with the effect of Aloes Compound (Vet.) treatment on some irregularities of the oestrous cycle in stud mares.

Materials and Methods

Thirteen stud mares belonging to Sewania Stud Farm, Bhopal (M.P.) which were problem breeders were selected for this study. These mares were having irregularities of oestrous cycle viz., 4-anoestrous condition of ovaries, 4-suboestrous with under-developed follicles and 5-estrous with normal follicles but repeat breeders. To induce oestrus in these broodmares, a dose of 10 tablets of Aloes Compound (Vet.) twice daily for each animal was orally administered in the concentrate feed. These trials were conducted from December 1978 to March 1979. The effect of treatment was observed on the induction of oestrus and conception. The genitalia of all the mares were palpated per rectally at an interval of 10 days to note the changes in the ovaries, follicles and uterus. The pregnancy was also initially detected per rectally and confirmed by A-Z test.

Results and Discussion

The effect of Aloes Compound (Vet) treatment on the 13 mares was observed and details of the exhibition of first oestrus and subsequent oestruses and pregnancy are presented in Table 1.

Table 1—Effect of Aloes Compound treatment on the breeding of stud mares

Sr No. Name of
 Oestrus condition  

Period of treat-
ment (days)


Exhibition Of 1st heat  from   onset  of treatment (days)

 No.of heats exhibited  Interval heats exhi- bited (days)  Concep-
1 ch.i.m. 19 Anoestrous  ovaries 27 24 2 20 Conceived/ Pregnant
2 b.i.m. 8 ., 60 72 1 Conceived/ Pregnant
3 ch.i.m. 20 ., 7 110 1 Not
4 b i.m. 21 43 4 5 27 Not
co nceived
5 b.e.m. 18 Suboestros with underdeveloped follicle 56 56 5 21 Conceived/ Pregnant
6 ch.i.m. 13 ,, 38 38 6 21 Conceived/ Pregnant
7 b.i.m. 21 PP 35 35 3 27 Not
8 ch.i.m. 9 PP 43 43 7 26 Not
9 ch.i.m. 8 Oestrus

with normal follicle

43 33 2 20 Conceived/ Pregnant
10 b.i.m. 6 PP 16 14 1 Conceived/
11 b.i.m. 11 PP 16 38 1 Conceived/
12 b.i.m. 13 PP 35 60 4 47 Not
13 ch.i.m. 17 IP 43 43 7 22 Not

Evaluation of Aloes Compound (Vet) treatment on various conditions of oestrus irregu­larities in stud mares is presented in Table 2.

It is revealed from tables 1 and 2 that Aloes Compound (Vet) was 100.0% effective in induction of oestruses in all the 13 mares in their various irregularities of oestrus. The overall average period of effective treatment was 35.55 days i.e., for anoestrus ovaries 34.25 days, for suboestrus with under-developed follicle 43 days and for oestrus with normal follicle 30.60 days.

The overall average period for the bition of normal heat from onset of treatment was 44.23 days i.e., for anoestrus ovaries 52.50 days, suboestrus with under-developed follicle 43 days and oestrus with normal follicle 38.60 days. The overall effect of Aloes Compound (Vet) treatment on conception and pregnancy was 53.85% (7 out of 13 mares) i.e., for anoestrous ovaries 50.0%, suboestrus with under-developed follicle 50.0% and oestrus with normal follicle 60.0%.


Condition of Oestrus No of mare under treatment Average period of treatment (days) Average period of exhibition of heat from onset of treatment Induction of heat Preganancy
No % No %
Anoestrus Ovaries 4 34.25 57.50 4 100 2 50
Sub-oestrus with under developed follicie 4 43.00 43 4 100 2 50
Oestrus with normal follicle 5 30.60 38.60 5 100 3 60
Overall 13 35.55   13 100 7 53.85


The results showed that Aloes Compound (Vet) positively helps in correcting oestrus irregularities. It has given excellent result (60% conception) on oestrus with normal follicles within a short period of treatment (30.60 days) and exhibition of oestrus (38.60 days) as compared to other two categories. No doubt it has also given better results i.e., 100% on the ction of heat and 50% on conception in the categories of anoestrous ovaries and suboestrus with under-developed follicles. The treatment also helps in maturation of the fian follicle and ovulation. This treatment has an added advantage as it has neither side effects nor results in hormonal imbalances. Most of the rinarians working in stud farms are tempted to use hor­monal preparations to correct the irregularities of oestrus,which give many side effects of sexual behaviour and disturb hormonal balances in the process of bringing about successful concep­tion, pregnancy and parturition.


Thirteen mares from Sewania Stud Farm, Bhopal having irregularities of oestrus cycle viz., 4-anoestrous condition of ovaries, 4-suboestrus with under-developed follicles and 5-repeat breeders with normal follicle, were treated successfully with Aloes Compound (Vet) 10 tablets twice a day. The treatment was continued till the mares showed normal heat. The average duration of effective treatment was 35.55 days and the conception rate was 53.85%.


The authors ate thankfully to Shri M.D. Gokuldas of Sewani Stud Farm, Bhopal for allowing to conduct this trial. They are thankful to M/s. Alarsin Pharmaceuticals, Bombay for kind cooperation.


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